
Sparklines are tiny graphs that you can use inline. You can use more than one in a document.

Sometimes it's useful to highlight a value in a sparkline:

Today there were 5 daily defects.

That example also showed a range using a background colour. This could represent a set of acceptable values.

Bar Graph

Line Graph

Horizontal Bar Graph

Focused Data Ranges

Centre onto awkward data ranges:

Grouped Bars

Contributed Examples

Min and max are the same:

Small range difference, but should still start at 0:

Small range difference, but should still start at 0 (it's a bar chart):

Large min max set to the same:

Negative values should always be above the axis (not fixed yet):

GitHub issue #4: LineGraph with the same values:

TODO: Automatically reduce numerically labels when there are too many to neatly fit.